Tuesday, July 31, 2007

RELAX ....

Remember, do some simple stretches several times a day. If you have time, say when watching TV, breathe in to the count of five while tensing muscles from fingers and toes up to shoulders - hold your breath for one second - then exhale, release breath, and let muscles relax for count of five. Let your shoulders slump forward. Slowly uncurl and notice how your body feels.

An easy quick exercise program - under twenty minutes a session at home with no equipment, 5BX. Adapt the more elaborate stretches to do under the massaging water of a shower. Start with hot water - stretch - and then gradually cool the temperature to a refreshing level.


1) Extend your arms in front of you and clench your fists. For this and each successive muscle group, tense the indicated muscle group for about 7–10 seconds and then completely relax those muscles (let them go completely limp) for 20–30 seconds before moving on to the next muscle group.

2) Extend your arms in front of you and point your fingers toward the ceiling as though you were pushing a wall.

3) Touch your fingers to your shoulders to tense your biceps.

4) Shut your eyes tightly so that you tense the muscles around your eyes, in your forehead, and your temples (skip this exercise if you are wearing contact lenses).

5) Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth, clinch your molar teeth, and pull the corners of your lips around as though trying to touch your ears. (This will look like a bad grimace.)

6) Pull your chin down one inch from your sternum (breastbone) and at the same time try to pull your chin further toward the sternum and backwards toward your back. This sets up antagonistic muscle reaction and can cause your head to tremor.

7) Take a deep breath and hunch your shoulders up towards your ears.

8) Pull your shoulders back as though trying to touch them together in the back.

9) Suck your stomach in as though trying to touch your backbone.

10) Push your buttocks into chair to tense your buttock muscles.

11) Extend your legs in front of you and lift your heels six inches off floor to tense your thigh muscles.

12) With your legs extended and heels resting on floor, point your toes toward your knees to tense your calf muscles.

13) With your legs extended and heels resting on floor, curl your toes under toward the arches (tense for 5 seconds only as these muscles easily experience cramps).

Staying completely relaxed, review the condition of each of these muscle groups.

Notice the relaxed feeling you should now be enjoying. During the exercises, you may notice that your palms become warmer, that your upper torso becomes heavier and heavier. Concentrate on these effects since they are evidences of deep relaxation.

Sit quietly for several minutes. You might wish to use this experience for implanting more firmly in your mind that you can control the pain. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation and a lessening of your pain or tension.

As you end the exercise session, gradually begin to move your feet, hands, head, and torso. Do not make any sudden movements; just gradually enter your normal routine, enjoying your relaxed state.

Try to practice this exercise twice a day — morning and evening are best for most people. Practicing in the morning often helps in beginning the day more centered, less feverishly. Practicing in the evening helps to wash out the cumulative stress of the day.

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