Friday, July 27, 2007

Questions for Couples as Individuals in Relationship

· How did you and your partner meet? What attracted you to him or her?

· Why did your partner choose you?

· What did you learn about marriage from your parents?

· What did your spouse learn about marriage from his or her parents?

· If you could do it all over again, would you choose this same partner? List your reasons.

· What would you change in your partner to make the relationship better?

· What do you need to change in yourself that would improve the relationship?

· What are your partner’s most deeply held beliefs? His or her most prized accomplishments? His or her most cherished dreams?

· The people whom you dated before getting involved with your current partner - what were they like? Why did these relationships not work out?

· The people whom your partner dated before getting involved with you- what were they like? Why did these relationships not work out?

· What is your favorite recreational activity? Your partner’s?

· Name three important lessons you have learned from your partner.

· Describe how you feel about sex with your partner.

· Describe the ideal life partnership. Describe your ideal mate.

· Describe one important way you have disappointed your partner and one way she or he has disappointed you.

· How do other significant people view your relationship?

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