Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sugar Addiction anyone?

Avoid self-diagnosis; see your MD if you think anything might be giving cause for concern.

Possible hyperinsulinemia: in very simplistic terms this means that your pancreas over-produces or builds resistance to insulin in response to carbohydrate foods or nutritional imbalance. This can also include over-exercising and eating insufficiently to meet the needs of your body. Keep in mind that sugar addiction is not just a problem of the obese. If your goal is to manage the sugar cravings, as well as stay off the family disease path, it is imperative that you learn to eat to meet the special needs of your body. Believe it or not, this is probably the easiest part of self-management!

There are two powerful tools designed for managing psycho- biological problems such as sugar addiction: Interactive Awareness and Interactive Self-Hypnosis.

The first tool, Interactive Awareness, works as an alarm clock, it's job being to wake you up to specific moments that would benefit from your full attention, evaluation and perhaps a change of direction. Some may be obvious to you, but others may live below the surface, only known to your subconscious librarian. Keep in mind that the subconscious mind is a vast library, filled with assets with some out of conscious reach. Start to keep a food diary with times and types of food. Do the relaxation exercises and stretches to loosen the body and focus your mind in the moment. Try to capture a realistic picture of yourself as you become more in the habit of relaxation.

Stretch in the shower and feel the water on your skin. Try and adapt these for the shower

Once you are fully awake to the moment, you can begin to work with Interactive Self-Hypnosis. What you choose to do will depend on the moment, as well as your desired goals or outcomes. Get in a relaxed state and start to visualize --- It could be as simple as seeing yourself walking past the chocolate cake on the buffet, noticing a framed picture of yourself appearing very obese, or wearing a tee shirt with diabetes written on the front, cueing into what it feels like to be blind. If you are tired of the same old self-arguments, you might decide to use Interactive Self-Hypnosis to build up resilience from your past experiences, applying them as power stamps to your current experience. You could even choose to diminish the experience permanently, simply refusing to have this life experience at all.
Imagine yourself as you felt best in yourself and replace the poor picture of yourself with the memory 'snapshot' of the best of you. At work, being effective, at the age and place where you felt your best.

Being with food: Slow down enjoy the sensations in your mouth. Stop every so often and put down the plate and feel how you are. Once a week indulge yourself with something delicious, but see the reward as being and feeling healthier.

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