So I would start at 50mg at 'night' (yours) and then move up from there. I normally suggest that people do not use it in the morning as the effects over time and you want the supplement to help with he underlying issues of anxiety - not a quick fix.
- L-theanine is an amino acid found in green and black tea.
- Studies show that, even with 50mg doses mimicing normal dietary behavior, theanine increases production of alpha brain waves, which are the brain waves that increase creativity and decrease depression.
- Theanine is a glutamate antagonist, meaning it blocks glutamate receptors in the brain, which is part of the reason some people report a calming effect after taking theanine.
- Theanine has also shown promise as a sleep aid and in stopping the release of histamine from mast cells.
- Despite efficacy at 50mg doses, many theanine supplements up this dose to 100mg and beyond, so keeping an eye on dose is important.
The GABA tea does work and can be drunk during the day. If I am having a difficult time I make a mug full, cool it, then drink from a mug with ice all the way through the day. It has a mild effect that is just enough of a lift. I have persuaded hyper-active kids to try this as if does not have the side effects that either SSRI's or 'uppers' can be too harsh.
Taurine is an essential element in pet food. If it is not in your dog food change your brand! An absence of Taurine can result in CNS issues. I get mine from eating well but you may want to see if it works first. I am not sure of your routine but you should, at your time of life, be eating four and five times a day. Small but healthy meals.
I went through 'the change' without using anything but natural hormones. I have not tried this salve from Swanson's but I know people who have and they recommend it. PUREMEDY
I used PROGESTERONE cream and found that I could even tell from the dryness of my hands that I needed to use it. In Africa women pound yam with natural yogurt and use that both on their skin and vaginal area. It works. I am 'cheap' so I use Swanson's for everything and also because I found that they had the best reputation because of the turn-round being very fast.
5-HTP 5-Hydroxytryptopha increases serotonin levels to promote restful sleep, manage stress, and decrease sugar cravings. 50mg is about as much as you might want to use at night. It is regularly available in a health food store in 25mg and 50mg doses. I like melatonin as well so I take the Swanson's brand.At the moment I am using 5-htp for sleep and as a very mild antidepressant. Medically it is a precursor to serotonin but can be used occasionally. I use one tab at night when I feel that my brain is still 'running' after my body has turned off. I dream on this but nothing too dramatic - more importantly, I wake up when I want feeling rested and with no 'cotton mouth'. I do not take it all the time but in the UK (40 years ago) I did and had no ill-effects.
SAME-e. (look for item # 3) GREAT as an anti-depressant and also helps liver recovery. It is standard to start for depression and anxiety in Europe. Your issue is more to do with anxiety and so I would try other things first.
Stress : Try some of these but at the same time I would look at simple quick breathing exercises and do them frequently during the day. I have worked with Chefs and have said that they need to do one of the breathing strategies EVERY time they wash their hands at work.SIMPLE OFFICE STRETCHES for STRESS. Finally, Tai Chi. At night - if I can't sleep or wake up too early - I get into my chair and watch the sun rise and slowly relax . I have found this increases mobility and my reaction to pain.
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